
Responsive Poll WordPress Plugin

Adding a poll to your website is a great way to source feedback on your visitor's thoughts and feelings towards a particular subject. An online poll also adds an element of interactivity to your website, and allows your visitors to share their opinions and feel part of a valued community.

Our Responsive Poll plugin enables you to create polls easily in your WordPress admin area, and add them to your WordPress website pages using shortcodes.

The voting area is built using Twitter Bootstrap and so the styling is easy to customise using CSS overrides. There are also built in styling and colour options for the charts, giving you full flexibility to match the plugin to the design of your site.

There are seven result chart types available to choose from:
  • Pie Chart
  • Bar Chart
  • Doughnut Chart
  • Line Chart
  • Radar Chart
  • Polar Chart
  • Bootstrap Progress Bars
The charts are all built using the HTML5 canvas element and all feature a nice animated load in which adds to the wow-factor. The voting box and charts can be set to feature a responsive width too, ensuring the polls look great no matter what device they are viewed on. There are various customisation options available when you are setting up your polls. For example it is possible to choose if and when the voter will see the results chart.

The options available are:
  • Always show results before a user votes
  • Allow users to click a link to show results before voting
  • Only show results after a user has voted
  • Never show results
Before a vote is registered, our plugin contains checks for a cookie (which the plugin sets), the vistor's IP address and WordPress 'User ID' (if applicable). This ensures that visitors can only vote on a poll once. Our plugin is built to be as flexible as possible, so if instead you wanted to allow users to vote multiple times this can be achieved too!

Our Responsive Poll plugin is available on Codecanyon now and is already selling fast! We are constantly thinking of ways to improve the plugin and adding features based on buyer's feedback.

If you have any questions about this plugin, or have any other queries please feel free to get in contact.